Yoganga Healing Centre, Rishikesh
Yoganga Healing Centre is founded and based on holistic healing system derived from the eight limbs of Patanjali’s Yoga. Yoganga healing is process of introspection in order to recognize and differentiate oneself from the environment and others. One is guided in learning to heal themselves from the inside out through the practice of the limbs of yoga (yoganga) and the cultivation of: Deep Relaxation, Self Awareness, Acceptance, Forgiveness, Gratitude, and Surrender. With these steps profound and deep healing can take place within the organism.
Yoganga Healing sessions are holistic, drawing upon both Eastern and Western approaches to mental and physical health. Eastern techniques include the use of meditation, energy meridians, breath work, hatha yoga, yoga nidra and mindfulness practices. These traditional techniques are interwoven with modern western approaches such as hypnotherapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, neuro-linguistic programming, life coaching, psychotherapy, and cognitive re-framing through yogic counseling. The modality used for healing depends on nature of problem and goal of the participant. This healing process is effective in resolving conflicts at the more subtle levels of consciousness. Yoganga Healing is the ultimate tool to enhance the quality of life and lightness of being.
Center offers different courses either independent or supplemental to the Yoganga healing sessions. Courses include Hatha yoga, Pranayama, Yoga Nidra, and Meditation, all of which effectively purify and balance the mind and body of the practitioner in preparation for mediation and Raja yoga.
Yogi Sunil Sharma is Yoganga Healing’s founder and creator. He is a renowned yoga teacher known for his unique approach to teaching yoga philosophy and for adapting traditional yoga practices and their healing benefits to everyday life. With a master’s degrees in psychology and over twenty years of yoga practice and teaching, Sunil has been able to effectively and accurately weave together western and eastern methods of healing to guide others in healing themselves. Rooted in the philosophy of the limbs of yoga, Yoganga Healing is a powerful way to discover oneself and to ultimately become your own healer.
For details on classes, healing sessions/workshops in Rishikesh and worldwide, and for Pramayama courses contact us…
Kaivalya Yogashala – Ahmedabad
Kaivalya Yoga Shala is 200 hours Registered Yoga School (RYS200) from Global Yoga Alliance. Our Teacher Training certification program prepares instructors with a Foundation of knowledge and skills that can offer confidence in guiding classes as well as growing yoga in their communities.
Our curriculum is designed and approved by Yoga Alliance to offer participants a broad education and platform that can lead to opportunities as a yoga instructor, private practitioner or mind/body wellness professional.
We enthusiastically encourage any practitioner to attend this training to explore the depths of yoga from Yoga Philosophy to Asana, Pranayama, Shatkriyas, Meditation, Yoga Nidra, knowledge of human anatomy & physiology, yogic concept of diet & nutrition and basic knowledge of Ayurveda. At the end and after completion of the course every participant will leave with a breadth of new information, confidence to explore and spread the system of authentic well-being for the welfare of the society around the world.
Kaivalya Yoga School is led by dedicated and experienced yoga teachers who will prepare you to enter a studio or classroom with confidence and compassion. Upon graduation, you will have sequenced and idea to teach yoga classes in multiple ways. If your passion is to deepen your practice, we will offer a strong foundational curriculum without the pressure to instruct classes and help you on your personal yogic path of self-discovery as well.
Our goal is to offer an experience that exceeds our students’ expectations. We are proud to bring you an integrative curriculum that surpasses the standards for Yoga Alliance Registration and most importantly will make you an outstanding teacher and professional.